Karakteristik Masyarakat Abad 21

  • Reni Nurhayati Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Sofyan Iskandar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Dede Trie Kurniawan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The 21st century is considered the century of knowledge, the century of knowledge-based economy, the century of news technology, globalization, the industrial revolution 4.0, and so on. In this century, there are changes that are very fast and unpredictable in all aspects of life, both in the fields of economy, transportation, technology, communication, information, and others. Industry 4.0 was first introduced at the 2011 Hannover Fair which marked the digital revolution. Industry 4.0 is the latest trend of such sophisticated technology, which has a major influence on the production process in the manufacturing sector. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, where this approach is a research that emphasizes more on observing phenomena and requires sharp instincts from researchers. One result of technology is gadgets. Gadgets are a means of communication that every society cannot escape from this communication tool. Gadgets are mobile phones or cell phones (mobile phones) or mobile phones (HP). Gadgets in the form of cell phones are the simplest communication tools that can be used by everyone. In social life, gadgets greatly affect both behavior and social interaction. Gadgets have both positive and negative impacts.

Keywords: Abad 21, Revolution 4.0, Gadget


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