Pengenalan Senam Sehat Ceria Pada Kelompok Remaja
This scientific article as a result of community service is partnered with the Kedungwuni Muhammadiyah High School, which is located in Papagan Hamlet, Kedungwuni District, Pekalongan Regency. There are several students from the Muhammadiyah Kedungwuni Vocational School, the program carried out together with partners is aerobics to improve physical fitness. The method of carrying out this activity was carried out by mutual agreement at the Kedungwuni Muhammadiyah High School based on a request from the school. This introduction activity was carried out in 1 meeting, the introduction was held on Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 15.30 WIB. In the field of the Kedungwuni Muhammadiyah High School. The introduction method is in the form of practice regarding aerobic exercise. The results achieved in the introductory activity are; (1) Kedungwuni Muhammadiyah High School students have fitter physical fitness. (2) know about gymnastics, especially aerobics