Yoga Pratama (NIM. 172223097). Researcher's observations about the smash hits of
PB's male athletes. Young Trayeman pioneers in applying movements in playing
badminton are still lacking, so it is necessary to look for and explore the factors
causing it. The existence of these weaknesses, male athletes PB. Young Pioneer
Trayeman tries to improve himself in mastering basic techniques in the ability to play
badminton properly and correctly. Therefore, researchers are interested in
conducting research on drill smash drills on smash accuracy in PB's male athletes.
Trayeman Young Pioneers. This type of research is experimental research. The
design used in this study is "Control Groups Pretest-Posttest Design". From the table
of t-test results, it can be seen that the t-count is 6.364 and the t-table (df 10) is 2.228,
while the significance value of p is 0.000. Because t arithmetic 6,364 t table 2,228
and sig, 0,000 0,05, it means that there is a significant difference. Thus, it shows that
the hypothesis (Ha) which reads "The experimental group with practice smash with
the drill smash method is better than the control group in increasing the accuracy of
smash in PB badminton athletes. Trayeman Young Pioneers”, accepted. With a
percentage increase of 30.93%. The experimental group with the drill smash method
was better than the control group in increasing the accuracy of the PB badminton
athletes' smash. Trayeman Young Pioneers, with an average difference of 6.0.
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